In thinking about.....

I'm just a girl, searching for where God wants me next, but living constanly in the present, reflecting on the past enough to see hope for the future.

Sunday, February 26, 2006


So now i have to take back the words of my previous post. praise the Lord! Gift was worshipful for me tonight, i rejoice in that and take pleasure in knowing that i can worship God through it. Hopefully this contiunes! YAY!!

Best weekend...

So this has been an amazing weekend.
why? well let me count the ways. Play is going amazing, i feel like i was able to be confident in my designs and blessing beyond all blessings my crew was able to understand me with little contention.

I got to go ballroom dancing for 3 strait hours last night, that made my whole semester practically. how much more fun is it to grab a good friend and dance until you are so tired you could drop, fall, crash and sleep for days.

Next my roomates came back from new mexico this weekend. THings that they bring with them: Noise. love. hugs. stories. exitement. and memories. I love my roomates. nothing says that more then staying up to 2am eating chocolate brownies that were to die for.

today we had lunch at my sunday school leaders house, great food, good converstation, and of course a rousing game of mad gab and round robin. i love people.

Gift is soon, this is coming to a point of contention in my mind. Why am i doing this? Well, answer: i really think it is important to have movement in worship and people have told me they like to use sign in worship. But why is it so unworshipful for me. when i am dancing i lvoe it i can feel God's spirit pulsing through my body and i love the feeling that with the muisc and God i am lost in his presence, it has been a couple of weeks scince i have done that. i miss it. this week things will be differnt. So why then do i feel so un-worshipful signing for gift. in my own priase and worhsip time i sign and that is my worship language shall we say, so why does it make a difference to do it in front of people. *sigh* i wonder if everyone who starts leading in worship feels like this. i guess i should start asking around. It is worrysome to me.

sleep is very very good. my body is so tired it lacks the energy needed to feel alive and to move and celebrate life. i think it is this cold? or could it be whatever has been making me sick since forever. oh well, this too shall pass and in the mean time i will sleep even more, and try to make up for all the hours of energy lost in going to class, the store, a walk, eating, and not think of them as hrs lost, but hrs gained.

I love mondays. They are a fresh start to a new week!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Well... i have determined that this could quite possibly be the busiest week of my whole semester, but to be quite frankley honest i could care less. I have decided to just live it out fully. Although i find it to be a little bit more difficult to throughly enjoy everything that you have to do when some of the things are so close together and then there is that concept of time, where you might get something done, but then again might not. Well now that i have sufficiently rambled on, i have to say that despite the busyiness i refuese to get stressed out about it, but what is stress really going to get me? Absoutlouty nothing. and by the Grace of God i will get through un-stressed. Funny though how stress works. What about for you? As i begin to feel stress coming on suddenly my problems seem large, but the world!! AHHHH!! what are we going to do the world's problems seem overwhelming suddenly!:) But then i guess it is good to remeber to take steps on at a time, and take on a friendly phrase of "no worries" and live life fully otherwise really, what is the point. Thankfully we have grace.

Friday, February 17, 2006

a love/loathe relationship

Three things I love about Sioux Center, Iowa:
1. The sky is so big it seems to swallow me whole
2. I can see the stars at night
3. The snow comes to me, i don't have to go to it.

Three things I loathe about Sioux Center, Iowa:
1. It can get below 10 degrees F. and then it is to cold to move
2. no good place to go for coffee
3. people know who you are and they have preconcived notions of what you should be.

Three things I love about Sydney, Australia:
1. the beach
2. my bible study
3. the artisticness of the city (this includes cafe's and coffee shops and dance clubs)

Three things I loathe about Sydeny, Australia:
1. giardia
2. i have to go to the snow, it doesn't come to me
3. It can get hotter then blazes

Thursday, February 16, 2006

I can't belive i am doing this

Well, i joined the ranks of bloging, it seems a little bit weird to me, but i guess i will get over it. It is kinda fun to look at other peoples blogs. Today was the longest day ever, mostly because i didn't sit down until about 9pm. I was in class from 8-3, nothing new, but then i went to sioux falls, airport trip and starbucks...yummy!... then i came back, prayed with my fam. as they head off down south for a mission trip and finally sloughed my sorry ass home. Where i went to visit a friend and around 9:30 at night at supper. No wonder i feel sick. parisites... that is what i have been thinking about... what is a paristite? What is it doing in my body? how am i going to kill it? will it cause me more pain then i am already in? what if it comes and goes? SIN!!! Yuck. oh well, not to be totally drab and morning i got an amazing e-mail this morning from a good friend, that is the kind of thing that can make your day seem amazing. I wonder if blogs will take the place of real conversation? I bought more makup today, intresting, lots of money, its not mine, wonderful.