In thinking about.....

I'm just a girl, searching for where God wants me next, but living constanly in the present, reflecting on the past enough to see hope for the future.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Week 1:

So week one has finally come to a close, it has been the most amazing week ever. lets review some highlights and low lights!:)

Low lights:
  • It rained for two days, i had trouble coming up with ideas
  • kids get ansy when it rains
  • some slight miscommunications with my coordinating staff


  • Ribbion dancing
  • telling my day campers (5-10) about how God lifts me up when i am down and then sharing with them my dance ministry dance
  • hearing my campers tell me what they learned in chapel and relating it to crafts
  • having my four staff memembers and myself bond like there was no tommorow
  • watching rent
  • going in the hottub
  • having quality discussions with my staff
  • campers say the funniest things ever
  • an insane windstorm that made my campers crazy for all of 5 minutues. I would say i lost control for that minute, but it was regained later.
  • a lodge camper talking to me in a british/australian accent all week!:)
  • seeing God in nature: we saw 10 hawks in one night circleing the camp
  • God holding out on the most drenching rain of the week until friday after the campers left (then the flood gates opened)
  • Learning about transparent and trustful faith and what it looks like in children

So basicly to sum it up, i had a wonderfully amazing week and i don't know if other weeks can comepare.

I am a little nervous for next week becuase i have my first set of volenteers and i am not so good at conveying information to other people. But i am excited because it is deiscovery my favoirtie camp! i can hardly wait! But for now i fall into the peaceful rest and sellp pf friday night. Just a reminder that you can send me a letter!:)


Sunday, June 04, 2006


So it has been a long while scince i have written on this thing. But i have been sooo busy! I have been doing staff trainning, and my boss always seems to have something more for me to do. We have an amazing staff that are going to do wonderful things this summer. but i am struggling with getting to know them on a deeper level. I have had a few signifigant conversations, but it is hard. i am tried of short hellos and goodbyes. It is tireing, i want to be setteled. But oh well, i have to choose to live in the moment.
Also Satan is hard at work against us at the moment. We had some stuff things happening to our staff this week, our head staff, my boss found out horrible news about his friend, my fellow coordinatior had tough family stuff and got sick. We had sickness, tiredness, and overall badness at times. I know we are under attack, but i have full Fatih that God is Lord of all and CANNOT stop what He wants done this summer. if you are thinking about it, offer a prayer.
In other things staff training is going well and the pool is open this week and i have ordered all my craft stuff and it is pretty much the most amazing stuff ever! And i got to march in a parade for the camp and throw candy to children and hand out candy to adults and the elderly. I love seeing people smile. It made my day to see so many people htat i know and that know me. It is a wonderful feeling to be known. Anywaz, that is all! Have a wonderful week!