In thinking about.....

I'm just a girl, searching for where God wants me next, but living constanly in the present, reflecting on the past enough to see hope for the future.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Best Decsion of my life!

It has been almost one month scince my last post! Crazy! But in that month i made the best chioce i could have ever made! I took a road trip with my brother and sister! I think that i have not known them at all for so long because i was in college and too cool to be associated with my family (who lived far to close) ** if only i knew then what i know now** ANwyaz, we took a trip by car to Canada, i found myself finding out things about them i did not know, and finding that they had grown up into adults, pracically over night. What craziness is that! It was just amazing to spend that much time with them, and i would indeed say it was over due. we had a lovely time visiitng our family in BC and some good friends here and there as well!:) We had a blast on an Alaskan cruise and some challenging moments on the way back, learning to show love when driving has become a chore.

Now for the news more of you are really wondering about and secretly hoping that is the reason for the title to this blog. The answer is.....

... i have deicded to take the job in MOntana, I feel like GOd has been telling me all along "i want you there" so i am going, i have a couple of housing options, many look dodgy, one looks good, we will see. I have a classroom, it is HUGE! I cannot beleive the size! I think i will have one challenge after another, teaching middle school again (once again i would like to note that i still want to teach lower elementry!) God has a sense of Humor, i think he laughs with me at the irony in this situation. Also, i have to teach 7th grade math! *HA!* ANwyaz, so that is the desision, we will see if it fits under this blog title at a later date. In the meantime, i apperciate all the prayers soo much, and i covet your prayers as i take a leap of faith into an adventure that i am sure will inspire many many stories!:)