In thinking about.....

I'm just a girl, searching for where God wants me next, but living constanly in the present, reflecting on the past enough to see hope for the future.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

forgot to mention a few things...

I forgot to write about a funny story involving a group of little girls and myself. The pool has become a great plae to play games that invlove food like things. These little girls wanted to pretent to sizzle on the sidewalk, becuase it was 102 F and you could probally fry an egg on the sidewalk! So then we jumped in the pool to be eaten. But instead of being vomited up or pooped out we decided that we would come out the persons nose. (I accredite this to mahaffy) anywaz, then after a day or two of this we decided to use the sidewalk to cook us, the slide to add saliva and then by going down the slide we were going down the throat into the stomach (also known to the general public as the pool), we would then come out the nose and that was a party and a half. Anwyaz, i thought it was a fun game and with lots of work could maybe become a lesson plan on digesiton. that was story number one:

Story number two involves several things includeing a race car bed, lots of pakcing and a few assundry things. So we had been packing up my room and Dani was driving my bed like a race car and we then decided for a pit stop, which was good, but then we finsihed the packing and brought stuff to my car. Which is where Dani decided to get in the trunk, and low and behold you can open the trunk of my car from the inside, now why you would ever need this feture i have no idea, but it exitis!:) maybe that story makes no sense to you at all, but i am ok with that! I am board today! I need somehting to do!


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